Work Teams an Opportunity for Adults & Teens

Church Union brings in several work teams to the Pittsburgh area every year to help locations in need and to provide hands-on service. We connect with groups of young adults ranging from Junior High to High School students from a variety of locations.

A work team can be given a variety of projects to take on such as painting, construction, cleanup, helping with VBS programs, or working with any one of our other ministry sites. We welcome a wide range of skills in our teams and are blessed to have them working and volunteering with us.

We have strong partnerships, that provide the power when we have people in need. We have several teams that work at a wide variety of ministry sites. To volunteer on a work team is a rewarding experience for both those who receive the help and those who give the help.

For More Information Call the office at  (412) 231-4900  or  use our online submission form

“The ‘what if’s’ can harm us or they can empower us to do work.”

- Reverend Beth Nelson, Vice President of Church Union