
Bethany House Academy (BHA) programming is REBRANDING and EXPANDING!

BHA programs and Staff are now operating under the new Kidcelerate organization. The move to Kidcelerate has given the BHA legacy a refresh and an amplification of child-centered enrichment programming that reaches not just preschoolers but other ages as well. Through our collaboration with the Pittsburgh Public Schools (PPS), we have enabled the creation of a brand new Early Childhood Center (ECC) at our property in Northview Heights. The ECC (located in a former church building) provides a topnotch curriculum with professional teachers, nutritious meals, and is able to reach 40 children – Double the size of the former BHA preschool program.

Right next door to the ECC building is the ‘farmhouse’ location for Kidcelerate programs that welcome school age children several days each week for enrichment, hot meals, and fun. (You may remember the farmhouse as the site where BHA programming was housed for many decades.) Students get off the bus and RUN to the farmhouse where they are warmly greeted by Program Director Ms. Peggy (a licensed teacher) and staff members Ms. Tameika and Ms. Fardosa. A typical afternoon may include homework help, learning activities, art, and/or music. They have recently started drum lessons!

A typical afternoon may include homework help, learning activities, art, and/or music. They have recently started drum lessons! Kidcelerate provides an alternative to going home to an empty house. The children feel the encouragement and love when they enter the space. The children are eager to show the Ms Peggy, Ms. Tameika, and Ms. Fardosa, improving grades and awards. Incentives keep the students interested and a star on the wall marks special achievements.

More expansion is planned in 2023 for Kidcelerate. We hope to offer programming all year - adding days over school breaks and lengthening our Summer Camp program. We have dreams of doubling the size of the garden space behind the buildings – turning it into a hands-on learning environment. All of this can only happen with your continued support.

Please consider supporting Kidecelerate’s children’s programs. You can donate through our website or by sending a check to Kidcelerate, PO Box 100086, Pittsburgh, PA 15233. You can be the bridge to a successful future for children struggling to succeed!!!