28 Days of Caring

A journey from Martin Luther King, Jr’s Birthday to Valentine’s Day...
A sacred partnership between Warren United Methodist Church and The United Methodist Church Union and the people and churches of the Pittsburgh District

The United Methodist Church Union invites individuals and congregations to join in a journey of active love and support for the Warren United Methodist Church Faith Community.  This historical black church in the Hill District is a beacon of hope in an everchanging community.  Their heritage is rich, their future is bright.  They need the love and support of the Pittsburgh District right now.  There are many ways to join in this partnership:

Work Days:  projects include painting, cleaning, removing no longer useful items, plastering, light construction, and some outdoor work. Please contact Rev. Raphael Koikoi  (raphael.koikoi@gmail.comto schedule a time to see the needed work.  Obviously, some jobs need completed before others can start.  Once your group decides on a project, we will work to secure dates.  Not all work will be completed during the 28 days.  Because of the need to work in smaller groups and social distance with masks, it will take longer than the set time.  Work can happen on weekdays and Saturdays.
Also, because of COVID restrictions, their will be limited hospitality provided by the host church and Church Union. Work groups are asked to provide their own lunches.  We will provide bottled water.  We will plan a time of celebration and interaction when projects are completed, and restrictions are lifted.

Learn the history of Warren UMC:  We will have their history available for you to read. There is much to be learned from the history of Warren UMC.  We are getting the history together in a readable format so that many may know their rich story. 

Participate in an Anti-racism Study:  Check the WPAUMC website for great resources. Starting on MLKJ Day, use the many free resources from the GCRR website. The Vital Conversations Series is excellent and interactive with groups. Read a book on the lists about White Privilege.   Start a small group for challenge and support. Use the Pittsburgh District Anti-racism leadership to help with your plan.  Watch for additional posted opportunities.

Be a prayer partner:  Daily, lift in prayer the Warren UMC and the Pastor, the lay leadership, the people, their ministries, and their community.

Make a financial gift:  Church Union will purchase the needed supplies for the work teams.  We have a goal of raising a minimum of $25,000 during these 28 days. Make checks payable to the United Methodist Church Union or online at our website.  Please make the note of “28 days” on your gift. 

Donations by mail: United Methodist Church Union
P.O. Box 100086
Pittsburgh, PA 15233

People of God, we have an opportunity to put our faith into action.  These are difficult days and the evils of racism continue invade our world.  Participation in these 28 days of caring can be one way to move towards healing and justice in our city.  This active gift of love and support can help eradicate racism in our lifetime.

Additional information please call:  Beth L. Nelson   412-398-7894 or email at BNelson@churchunion.org